Raising Awareness
About Current Policy Issues

When Transportation Advocates of Texas was organized in 2010, it had a mission — finding a way to bring together many advocates to more effectively engage members of the Texas Legislature and state leaders in support of additional resources to address a growing highway funding gap. State leaders answered the call with Proposition 1 in 2013 and Proposition 7 in 2015. TAOT proudly works to recognize the efforts of those who champion transportation and the vital role it plays in commerce, family life, and public safety.

Current Policy Issues

In 2001, Texas voters approved the creation of the Texas Mobility Fund as a way to finance the construction, maintenance, and expansion of state highways and other public transportation projects. Before the legislature enacted certain restrictions on the fund in 2015, the Texas Mobility Fund provided billions of dollars in funding for transportation projects across this state.

Several sessions ago, legislation was adopted to support the establishment of TRZs (Transportation Reinvestment Zones) to provide an additional funding tool for investing in local mobility projects. 

With the increasing presence of alternatively fueled vehicles on our roadways, we must ensure everyone is paying their fair share.

Transportation Funding Report 2020

2030 Study